Healing Feet Reflexology
Reflexology For Whole Body Health!

About Me

Lexie Staton MS, CR            

Reflexology began as a hobby for me over twenty years ago after reading a book by a devoted reflexologist, Mildred Carter.  Upon trying it out, I was fascinated that by applying pressure to various parts of my feet I was able to help myself deal with my own health issues.  It felt empowering!  As my husband and I raised our five children, I enjoyed trying out what I had learned through reading, and realized that I wanted to know more and to help a greater number of people.

In the early 2000's I began the coursework to become a certified reflexologist through The International Institute of Reflexology, one of the premier schools in the country.  After completing the course which included classwork, practicum work on people and passing a certification exam, I became a certified reflexologist in 2004.  Over the years I have felt great satisfaction helping people see what amazing things our bodies can do when we tune in to them.  

Since that time I have expanded my skills to include muscle testing which I learned while taking classes in Total Body Modification and have seen great results by combining muscle testing and reflexology.  

Member of RAA - Reflexology Association of America

Member of RAVA - Reflexology Association of Virginia

Member of MDRA - Maryland Reflexology Association

Certified Practitioner of The Emotion Code